Tag Archive | wax

Yankee Candle Haul

SO, today I have a haul for you guys! I recently went shopping with my mum and picked up a few bits but mostly it was candles! I got a couple in house of Fraser and one from the Yankee candle outlet store I went to! There wasn’t huge amounts off but the candles were cheaper there so I got one.

The two I picked up from house of Fraser were both fully priced and I got a small jar and a medium tumbler candle. The small jar candle is a clean cotton scent! It’s a lovely smell, super fresh! It does have a burn time of about 25 hours or so, so I hope it was worth the money.


The second one I got was about 15.50 and it was a medium tumbler in the scent black cherry. I’ve had a jar candle in this scent before and it just fills the room with the scent quickly and lasts for so long! Defiantly try this if you want a strong scented candle that smells when it’s burnt and not just in the jar!


The last one I got was from the outlet store and it was something rather unique. I don’t think I can say that I have ever seen a peppermint candle, but I found this one in the store and just had to have it! Its actually described as cranberry peppermint and jack frost but it smells just like a candy cane. It has a subtle peppermint scent when you burn it, but I like it and I think I’d get it again!


Thanks for reading!
Sarah x (@sarahn19)